Archive for June 2012

Today I Don't Feel Like Doing Anything

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I just want to lay in my bed...Actually no I don't. But I feel like this has been the theme song to my life since summer started. I have no structure, no rules, no nothing that keeps me from doing nothing but sit around. Soooo I declare that I will post on this blog daily...possibly? Starting this week look forward to more posts!

Music Monday feat. Mesita

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Nothing beats some awesome alliteration! So I have decided to post a song, playlist, something music related every Monday. Here is the very first installment of this feature, William Cannon by Mesita.
The melody in this song is just so freaking catchy and it sounds like it could be in a commercial...and probably has been. I'm not sure why but a lot of my favorite songs end up in commercials and I freak out when I see them on TV. Tell me I'm not alone in this...haha.

 I also recently downloaded this song and a bunch of others by Mesita for free. Yep, that's right it's free. Just visit to get the free sampler EP. Enjoy!  

If you like it, put a ring on it

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Once upon a time I stumbled upon this tutorial, and thought "Hey! I can do that!" And so I did it. Just like that. Then end. 
Here is how I made a similar ring and others from random things I found around the house.

  • Nail Polish
  • Tape
  • Coins, buttons, etc.
  • Hot glue
  • Ring base

I basically followed the instructions in the tutorial I mentioned, except I painted various pennies in different colors to switch it up a bit. As you can see in the picture above, to make each ring unique you can choose to paint just one layer or several. With one layer, the face of the coin shines through, but with two, a more opaque finish is created.

Then I got nail polish happy and tried painting a quarter with several colors. It turned out pretty nice I think. Here's how. 

As you can see the possibilities with these guys are endless. I ended up finding a button and a funky shaped coin (from back in the day when I tried out golfing, it was used to get golf balls at the practice range) and hot-glued them both on a ring base.

*side note: I just realized my hand looks a tad bluish and dead. I sincerely apologize. My hand model should be back from vacation A.S.A.P.

That Chocolaty Hazelnut Spread

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After discovering that foodgawker has an app (eep!) I immediately downloaded it to my iPod and searched for the perfect recipe to test out this morning. I opened up the breakfast category and there waiting for me was this little beauty. For those of you who do not know, nutella is  heavens nectar. So naturally a recipe that combines donuts with pancakes and nutella is food for the gods. 

*note: the nutella is not pictured, silly me...guess he just didn't want to be included in the family photo.

So you may be wondering why these "donut" pancakes do not have any holes...well as the recipe says and as I have experienced, it is kind of difficult to maintain a hole within the batter after you pour it out. I decided to just shape the batter like classic pancakes so I didn't have to worry about that. Also, if you happened to notice the scrap pile, it takes a little practice to flip this things right. I would suggest waiting until you can see the outer rim of the batter has been slightly cooked, then go ahead and turn them upside down. But in the end, I did enjoy trying these out. They have the consistency of a donut, just in pancake form (go-figure), and the nutella-ness adds a smooth melt-in-your-mouth effect. Delish.