That Chocolaty Hazelnut Spread

After discovering that foodgawker has an app (eep!) I immediately downloaded it to my iPod and searched for the perfect recipe to test out this morning. I opened up the breakfast category and there waiting for me was this little beauty. For those of you who do not know, nutella is  heavens nectar. So naturally a recipe that combines donuts with pancakes and nutella is food for the gods. 

*note: the nutella is not pictured, silly me...guess he just didn't want to be included in the family photo.

So you may be wondering why these "donut" pancakes do not have any holes...well as the recipe says and as I have experienced, it is kind of difficult to maintain a hole within the batter after you pour it out. I decided to just shape the batter like classic pancakes so I didn't have to worry about that. Also, if you happened to notice the scrap pile, it takes a little practice to flip this things right. I would suggest waiting until you can see the outer rim of the batter has been slightly cooked, then go ahead and turn them upside down. But in the end, I did enjoy trying these out. They have the consistency of a donut, just in pancake form (go-figure), and the nutella-ness adds a smooth melt-in-your-mouth effect. Delish.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, June 19, 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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